Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Alan Pownall cover at Dot 2 Dot Festival -MCR, 31/5/10

Alan Pownall - The Strokes - Someday cover

Now, I was actually there at the Deaf Institute when Alan Pownall played this cover. There weren't a lot of people in the room but enough to create an atmosphere. Dot 2 Dot, before this, had been underwhelming, just something fun to do and maybe I would find out about some good bands who I hadn't heard of before. I saw the Mystery Jets after Alan Pownall, at the Academy but they seemed exhausted, their voices were weak and strained and they played a lot of songs from their new album, Serotonin, which I am not very familiar with yet (I will be though). Anyway, this acoustic performance was sublime, surprising and sad. The video is very enjoyable but you probably won't have the same experience as I did. It was a moment of musical euphoria for me.

A lot of new bands look the same and sound the same and when you see another band who looks the same as the last ten bands you have seen, you expect this band to sound the same as them as well. However, Alan Pownall, is not one of these bands. A lot of young men make bands out of a dream of stardom, of being mobbed by girls and living a rock 'n' roll lifestyle, but if you do not have one of or several of a certain group of ingredients, then you just are not going to be any good. The first thing you notice about Alan Pownall, after his good looks, is his rousing, tender voice. Almost any band can write a catchy pop song but Alan Pownall is a singer. Now, if you have a voice to sing with, then you really are one big step on the way to being good

'...the long-held vowel sounds which he draws out reach towards you like someone with a broken heart.'

Furthermore, I know that it was a cover he did that really impressed me but his own words are strong too. His song, Colourful Day, makes the most of his powerful voice and the long-held vowel sounds which he draws out reach towards you like someone with a broken heart. He sings, 'I'm telling you a story, so look at me when I'm talking to you'. I know this is a simple line but the emotion in the line really resonates with me. It is everyday stuff, yeah, and we experience these emotions. 

I think we might be seeing more of Alan Pownall and, with his lyrical ability and genuinely great voice, he deserves the success which is coming his way. 


Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree. His voice really draws you in!

jbricandy said...

:) were you at the gig Mr/Mrs Anonymous :p ? His voice is great, isn't it? Probably best seen live.